Which form of Democracy is followed in India? || ADRE 1.0 (SLRC 2022) Paper-I Solved Questions


Which form of Democracy is followed in India? 

(A) Representative Democracy 

(B) Presidential Democracy

(C) Parliamentary Democracy 

(D) Participatory Democracy



Form of Democracy



Representative Democracy

Correct. India follows a representative democracy where elected representatives make decisions on behalf of the people.


Presidential Democracy

Incorrect. In a presidential democracy, the president is both the head of state and government, which is not the case in India.


Parliamentary Democracy

Correct. India is primarily a parliamentary democracy where the executive is accountable to the legislature.


Participatory Democracy

Incorrect. Participatory democracy emphasises direct participation from citizens, which is not the main form practised in India.

Correct Option: (C) Parliamentary Democracy (with a note that Representative Democracy also applies)
