Computer Operator (APSC) Exam – General Studies Solved PYQs | Advt. No. 07/2024

Note: There are 100 questions, each carrying 1 mark, for a total of 100 marks. A negative marking of 0.25 will be deducted for each wrong answer.

1. Fill in the blank with the right phrasal verb: 

Never _____ upon the marginalised and poor.

  1. Look over

  2. Look down

  3. Look through

  4. Look into

2. Choose the right option to complete the following sentence: 

They solved the _____ problem

  1. Hardliest

  2. Hard

  3. Hardy

  4. Hardlier

3. The word ‘genocide’ means

  1. Sanctioned racial killing

  2. Murder

  3. Slaughter

  4. Suicide

4. Fill in the blank with the correct word to make the sentence meaningful: 

It is usual nowadays to blow one’s own _____ to impress others. 

  1. Horn

  2. Drum

  3. Trumpet

  4. Band

5. Choose the correct sentence from the following options.

  1. For exercise, I rather play and swim'

  2. For exercise, I play rather than swim.

  3. For exercise, I play rather and than swim.

  4. For exercise, I would not rather play and swim

6. Choose the correct alternative from the options given below to fill in the blank :

‘Crocodile tears' implies _____. 

  1. Expression

  2. Tears of animal

  3. False tears

  4. Very painful expression

7. Select the right word to complete the following sentence: 

When an author uses a name which is not his/ her real name, his/her writings are said to be composed under a _____.

  1. Mistake

  2. Political cause

  3. Falsehood

  4. Pseudonym

8. Pick out the correct preposition to fill in the blank: 

The information is available _____ the Internet. 

  1. On

  2. In

  3. Upon

  4. At

10. Select the right word to complete the following sentence: 

Every cloud has a _____ lining. 

  1. Blue

  2. White

  3. Silver

  4. Golden

11. Select the right word to complete the following sentence: 

_____ you try, you will not succeed. 

  1. Unless

  2. If

  3. Yet

  4. Though

11. Complete the following sentence with the appropriate preposition: 

Nobody _____ 18 is allowed to enter. 

  1. Around

  2. Of

  3. At 

  4. Under

12. Insert the correct preposition:

Mr. Das is unfit _____ the post. 

  1. In

  2. Of 

  3. For 

  4. With

13. Insert the correct adjective: 

The _____ woman lives in a wretched hut. 

  1. Rich

  2. Poor

  3. Abundant 

  4. Famous

14. Select the right adjective to complete the following sentence:


His reading is of a very _____ range. 

  1. Big

  2. Huge

  3. Large

  4. Wide

15. Select the right preposition to complete the following sentence: 

The building was destroyed _____ the earthquake. 

  1. For 

  2. By

  3. In 

  4. With

16. Insert the correct article: 

Man, thou art _____ wonderful animal. 

  1. An 

  2. The 

  3. No article needed. 

17. Fill in the blanks with the correct words: 

The grass is _____ _____ the other side. 

  1. Always green, at

  2. Always greener, on

  3. Always green, on

  4. Always greener, at

18. Insert the correct article: 

He is _____ honour to this profession. 

  1. The 

  2. A

  3. An

  4. None of the above

19. Insert the correct form of verb given in bracket in the following sentence: 

He finished first though he _____ late (to begin). 

  1. Began 

  2. Begin

  3. Begins 

  4. Has begun

20. Pick out the word which is synonymous with ‘Freedom’ (having nearly the same structural aspect). 

  1. Liberty

  2. Free

  3. Emancipatory

  4. Liberal 

21. The plural of ‘Pastry’ is 

  1. Pastriesse

  2. Pastrys

  3. Pastryies

  4. Pastries

22. Identify the incorrectly spelt word. 

  1. Abstinence

  2. Subtle

  3. Rehearsal

  4. Precaution

23. Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence: 

My brother has decided to settle in London for good

  1. For a better income

  2. For a promotion

  3. Forever

  4. Briefly

24. Fill in the blank with the correct question tag: 

Let’s go for a walk, _____?

  1. Shall we 

  2. Will we

  3. Won’t we

  4. Shalln’t we

25. In the given sentence, identify the segment which contains a grammatical error: 

Each players must play according to his full potential and not think only about winning. 

  1. His full potential 

  2. Each players

  3. Think only about

  4. Must play

26. Select the correct form of verb to complete the following sentence: 

Jessica, along with her brother, always _____ to the park.


  1. Go 

  2. Goes

  3. Has gone

  4. Is going

27. Identify the most appropriate meaning of the expression ‘rank and file’. 

  1. Financial activities

  2. A very well-organized company 

  3. Ordinary workers in a firm

  4. The manager of a personnel department

28. Fill in the blank with the  appropriate term: 

Defensive practitioners put up all sorts of arguments to get _____ the hook.  

  1. On

  2. Along

  3. Beside 

  4. Off

29. Fill in the blank with the correct determiner: 

_____ of the saplings were planted the day before. 

  1. Much 

  2. Most 

  3. Few

  4. The few

30. Pick out the appropriate option to replace the underlined part of the sentence correctly: 

The flowers smelt sweetly and are sold at high prices in the market. 

  1. Flowers smelled sweetly

  2. Flowers smell of sweet

  3. Flowers were smelling sweet

  4. Flowers smell sweet

31. Select the correct passive form of the following sentence: 

Most people fear having other people laughing at them. 

  1. Being laughed by other people is something most people fear. 

  2. Be laugh at other people is something most people fear. 

  3. Being laughed at by other people is something most people fear. 

  4. Being laughed by other people is what most people fear. 

32. Insert the correct preposition: 

I want to reach home _____ time to watch the film. 

  1. At 

  2. On 

  3. In 

  4. Around

33. Select the correct option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given expression: 

Certain to happen

  1. Unexpected 

  2. Avoidable

  3. Ineffective

  4. Inevitable

34. Identify the most appropriate synonym of the word ‘Forsake’. 

  1. Desert 

  2. Claim 

  3. Contest 

  4. Divorce

35. Insert the correct adverb: 

Dibakar’s short film _____ highlights the stark contrast between the rich and the poor in India. 

  1. Poignantly

  2. Casually

  3. Malleably

  4. Malevolently

36. What is the masculine form of ‘Ewe’?

  1. Goat

  2. Ya

  3. Llama

  4. Sheep

37. Choose the correct option to complete the meaning of the following sentence: 

Have you thought about the _____ of the recent decision you took?

  1. Inconsistencies

  2. Conclusions

  3. Consequences

  4. Idiosyncrasies

38. Identify the correct indirect form of the following sentence: 

My niece said, “I have decided to take coaching in badminton.”j

  1. My niece told that I have decided to take coaching in badminton. 

  2. My niece told that she has decided to take coaching in badminton. 

  3. My niece said that she had decided to take coaching in badminton. 

  4. Mu niece said that she decided to take coaching in badminton. 

39. Choose the incorrectly spelt word: 

  1. Draught 

  2. Worcestershire

  3. Acquiesce

  4. Hyperbole

40. Fill in the blank with a noun: 

The term ‘Reynard’ refers to _____. 

  1. Fox 

  2. Horse

  3. Deer

  4. Dog

41. Who is credited with writing the paper Computing Machinery and Intelligence?

  1. Charles Babbage

  2. Alan Turing

  3. Joan Clarke

  4. Tommy Flowers

42. A laser printer falls under which category of peripheral devices? 

  1. Input 

  2. Output

  3. Storage

  4. Communication

43. What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 1101? 

  1. 10

  2. 15

  3. 13

44. SQL (Structured Query Language) is primarily used for 

  1. Creating and manipulating data within a database

  2. Designing the overall structure of a database 

  3. Programming complex database applications

  4. Managing user access and permissions in a database

45. Which of the following is not a common feature of word processing software? 

  1. Text formatting and editing 

  2. Integrations with other office applications

  3. Collaboration tools for real-time document sharing 

  4. Data analysis and visualisation capabilities. 

46. A GUI (Graphical User Interface) relies on 

  1. Text-based commands for user interaction

  2. Visual elements like icons, windows and menus

  3. Direct manipulation of hardware devices

  4. Voice recognition and natural language processing 

47. Which Microsoft Office application is best suited for creating professional presentations with multimedia elements? 

  1. Word 

  2. Excel 

  3. PowerPoint

  4. Adobe Reader

48. An enhanced feature of Excel is the ability to create

  1. Attractive presentations with slide transitions and animations 

  2. Complex mathematical formulas and data analysis tools

  3. Comprehensive databases with tables, queries and forms

  4. Professional word processions documents with extensive formatting options

49. A Local Area Network (LAN) typically connects devices within a 

  1. Country or large region

  2. Global internet infrastructure 

  3. City of metropolitan area

  4. Building or small campus

50. Which of the following is not a core protocol of the Internet? 

  1. DNS (Domain Name System) 

  2. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol)

  3. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 

  4. USB (Universal Serial Bus)

51. E-commerce implies

  1. Online communication through social media

  2. Electronic banking and financial transactions

  3. Conducting business and selling products online

  4. Accessing and learning through online educational resources

52. A key challenge in AI development is 

  1. Ensuring ethical considerations and responsible use of AI

  2. Developing visually appealing user interfaces

  3. Increasing the processing power of computers

  4. Reducing the cost of hardware components

53. E-learning platforms enable

  1. Distance learning and education through online courses

  2. Real-time communication and video conferencing

  3. Secure online collaboration and project management

  4. Sharing and storing personal documents in the cloud

54. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is concerned with

  1. Upgrading computer hardware components for faster processing

  2. Developing user-friendly interfaces for interacting with computers. 

  3. Creating intelligent machines that can mimic human cognitive abilities. 

  4. Strengthening network security measures against cyber attacks

55. A truth table shows the logical outcomes for different combinations of 

  1. True or false values in Boolean algebra

  2. Use actions and system responses

  3. Character entered on a keyboard

  4. Numbers used in mathematical calculations

56. A binary search tree is a data structure that

  1. Requires iterating through all elements to find a specific value

  2. Organises elements in a sorted manner for efficient searching

  3. Utilises a hashing function to map keys

  4. Stores elements in a random manner for efficient searching

57. The concept of ‘Big O’ notations is used to express the 

  1. Memory usage of an algorithm in relation to the input data

  2. Efficiency of an algorithm based on the programmer’s skill

  3. Specific number of steps an algorithm takes for a given input

  4. Upper bound on the time complexity of an algorithm as input size grows

58. A critical aspect of computer ethics is 

  1. Focusing on the aesthetic design of software applications 

  2. Considering social and moral implications of technology use

  3. Enhancing hardware components

  4. Prioritising user convenience over data security

59. Which computer language among the following is exclusively written in binary codes? 

  1. COBOL

  2. #

  3. Machine languages

  4. Pascal 

60. During boosting , the operating system checks every peripheral unit. This procedure is known as 

  1. POST

  2. BIOS

  3. BUS


61. Which of the following is not a type of computer code? 

  1. BCD

  2. EDIC


  4. ASCII

62. The memory capacity for m date lines and n address lines is determined by 

  1. 2ⁿ × m

  2. m × n²

  3.  2ᵐ × n

  4.  n × m²

63. Consider the following C program: 


Int main ()


int a(l={3,5,7,9,12); int i, sum=0, *b=a+4; for (i=0; i<5; i++)

sum=sum+(*b-i) -*(b-i);

printf("d \n", sum);

return 0;


The output of the above C program is 

  1. 11

  2. 28

  3. 14

  4. 12

64. Internet access by transmitting digital data over the wires of a local telephone network is provided by 

  1. Leased line

  2. Digital subscriber line

  3. Digital signal line

  4. Modem

65. Which of the following topologies has the highest reliability? 

  1. Star topology

  2. Bus topology

  3. Ring topology

  4. Mesh topology

66. The expression of an EXOR gate is 

  1. A'B + AB'

  2. AB + A'B'

  3. A + A.B

  4. A' + B'

67. The purpose of the COMMIT statement in SQL is 

  1. To remove all date from a table

  2. To roll back changes made during the current transaction 

  3. To save changes made during the current transaction to the database

  4. To create a new database user

68. What does the SQL ORDER BY clause do? 

  1. It filters rows that have the same values into summary rows

  2. It sorts the result set in ascending or descending order based on specified columns

  3. It combines data from two or more tables on a related column between them

  4. It groups rows that have the same values into summary rows

69. Which programming paradigm emphasises the use of functions as first-class citizens and avoids mutable data? 

  1. Object-oriented programming

  2. Declarative programing 

  3. Functional programming

  4. Procedural programming

70. A strong password for cyber security should be

  1. Short and easy to remember

  2. A combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols

  3. A combination of only numbers

  4. Based on personal information

71. Cyber security threats can target

  1. Primarily social media platforms and entertainment websites

  2. Solely government and military networks

  3. Only outdated computer systems with weak security measures

  4. Both personal and business computer systems with valuable data

72. Which of the following header field must be included in a C program to use dynamic memory allocation functions such as malloc and free? 

  1. <stdio.h>

  2. <stdlib.h>

  3. <math.h>

  4. <string.h>

73. Moore’s law predicts the exponential growth of 

  1. Software complexity

  2. Peripheral interfaces

  3. Hardware processing power

  4. User interface options

74. A flowchart is a visual representation of 

  1. Data storage organisation

  2. software elements user interface 

  3. Steps involved in an algorithm 

  4. Internal hardware components 

75. Encryption is a technique used in cyber security to 

  1. Scramble data into an unreadable format for unauthorised access

  2. Enhance the visual appeal of user interfaces

  3. Simplify the process of data retrieval from storage devices 

  4. Increase the storage capacity of hard drives

76. Virtualization technology allows


  1. Sharing resources like processors and memory between multiple processes 

  2. Upgrading hardware components without reinstalling the operating system

  3. Only one operating system to run on a single physical machine 

  4. Running multiple operating systems on a single physical machine simultaneously

77. A relational database management system (RDBMS) organises data using 

  1. Hierarchical relationships 

  2. Tabular structures with rows and columns 

  3. Procedural logic and instructions 

  4. Networked connections 

78. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) facilitates 

  1. Secure online communication between individuals 

  2. Standardised electronic exchange of business documents between organisations 

  3. Real-time chat and conferencing for video remote collaboration 

  4. Downloading and installing software applications

79. Which data structure is best suited for implementing a last-in-first-out (LIFO)' principle? 

  1. Stack

  2. Linked list

  3. Array

  4. Queue

80. The ENIAC computer, a pivotal point in computer education, was primarily designed for 

  1. Gaming 

  2. Word processing 

  3. Scientific calculations 

  4. Business transactions

81. Consider the following pairs. Which of the pairs does/do not match? 


Name of Sports

(i) Ashmita Chaliha

Lawn tennis

(ii) Jamuna Boro


(iii) Jintimani Kalita


(iv) Nayanmoni Saikia

Lawn Bowls

Select the correct option from the codes given below.

  1. (i) only

  2. (i) and (ii) only

  3. (i), (i) and (ii) only

  4. (i), (ti), (iti) and (iv)

82. Which of the following pairs is/are not correctly matched? 

Name of the bridge

Name of the State

(i) Atal Setu

Uttar Pradesh

(ii) Vidyasagar Setu


(iii) Naranarayan Setu


(iv) Mahatma Gandhi Setu


Select the correct option from the codes given below. 

  1. (i) only

  2. (i) and (ii) only 

  3. (i), (ii) and (iii)

  4.  (i), (ii) and (iv) 

83. Consider the following statements: 

  1. Bhagavad Gita was composed by Valmiki. 

  2. Gita Govinda was composed by Jayadeva. 

  3. Chandrakanta Abhidhan was authored by Chandra Kanta Agarwala. 

  4. Gunamala was written by Srimanta Madhavdeva.

How many of the statements given above are incorrect? 

  1. IV only 

  2. I, IlI and IV 

  3. I, II and IV 

  4. I and IV only 

84. Find the odd one out from the following. 

  1. Operation Ajay

  2. Operation Vijay

  3. Operation Meghdoot

  4. Operation Rajiv

85. Which one of the following in relation to 'Exercise Tiger Triumph 2024' is correct?

  1. A bilateral, naval exercise between India and Japan

  2. A trilateral, naval exercise between India, Australia and New Zealand

  3. A bilateral, tri-service between India and the United States

  4. A multilateral, tri-service undertaken by the BIMSTEC members 

86. Consider the following statements: 

  1. Mekedatu is a part of the Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary. 

  2. Mekedatu is situated in Andhra Pradesh. 

  3. Mekedatu has been a source of confrontation between Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

  1. Il and III only

  2. I only 

  3. I, Il and III 

  4. None of the above

87. Which one of the following is not related to the protection of ecology? 

  1. M. K. Ranjit Singh versus Union of India 

  2. T. N. Godavarman Thirumulpad versus Union of India

  3. Navtej Singh Johar versus Union of India

  4. Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra versus State of Uttar Pradesh 

88. In regard to the G-20, consider the following statements:


  1. The African Union (AU) becomes a permanent member of the G-20 in 2023. 

  2. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) becomes a permanent member of the G-20 in 2023.

  3. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) became a permanent member of the G-20 in 2022 Bali Summit.

  4. The European Union (EU) is not a permanent member of the G-20. 

Which of the above statements is/are correct? 

  1. I only

  2. II only

  3. III and IV only

  4. I, II, III and IV 

89. Consider the following statements : 

Statement (i) : 

The Supreme Court of India ruled that the LGBTQIA+ community represents equal citizens in India and underlined that there cannot be discrimination in law based on sexual orientation and gender.

Statement (ii) : 

The Supreme Court of India upheld this judgement and struck down IPC 377 to the extent that it criminalised homosexuality while hearing the case of Shakti Vahini versus Union of India. 

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements? 

  1. Both Statement (i) and Statement (ii) are correct and Statement (ii) is the correct explanation for Statement (i)

  2. Both Statement (i) and Statement (ii) are correct and Statement (ii) is not the correct explanation for Statement (i)

  3. Statement (i) is incorrect but Statement (ii) is correct

  4. Statement (i) is correct but Statement (ii) is incorrect

90. Consider the following paris: 



(i) Maldives

Joko Widodo

(ii) Indonesia

Mohamed Muizzu

(iii) Senegal

William Samoei Ruto

(iv) Kenye

Bassirou Diomaye Faye

How many of the above pairs are correctly matched? 

  1. None 

  2. (i) and (ii) only 

  3. (iii) and (iv) only

  4. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) 

91. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Island is located in which of the following States? 

  1. Tamil Nadu

  2. West Bengal

  3. Odisha

  4. Kerala

92. Which one of the following is the Chinese parent company of the popular social media platform Tik-Tok? 

  1. WeChat 

  2. Douyin

  3. ByteDance

  4. Tencent video 

93. Which one of the following Ministries is responsible for regulating and implementing the Foreign Contribu-tion (Regulating) Act (FCRA)? 

  1. Ministry of External Affairs

  2. Ministry of Home Affairs

  3. Ministry of Finance

  4. Department of Economic Affairs

94. Consider the following statements in regard to the Pro-Tem Speaker of the Lok Sabha: 

Statement (i) : 

The senior most member of the House is appointed by the President as the Pro-Tem Speaker. 

Statement (ii) : 

The Pro-Tem Speaker does not have all the powers of Speaker and cannot preside over the first sitting of the newly elected Lok Sabha. 

Which of the following is correct in respect of the above statements? 

  1. Both Statement (i) and Statement (ii) are correct and Statement (ii) is the correct explanation for Statement (i)

  2. Both Statement (i) and Statement (ii) are incorrect

  3. Statement (i) is correct but Statement (ii) is incorrect

  4. Statement (i) is incorrect but Statement (ii) is correct

95. Consider the following statements: 

  1. Kola Khar is an alkaline extracted from the ashes of burnt dried banana peels.

  2. Kola Khar is known to help in normalising digestive order of the stomach. 

  3. Kola Khar is a pleasurable drink taken after a day-meal.

  4. Kola Khar is used as a food additive in Assamese cuisine widely. 

Which of the above statements is/are correct? 

  1. I only

  2. I and Il only 

  3. I, Il and III

  4. I, Il and IV

96. Consider the following statements about Assam Tea: 

  1. Assam is the largest tea-growing region in India. 

  2. Tea was cultivated in Assam ever before colonisation of the State.

  3. Maniram Dewan was the first Indian to start planting tea in Assam.

  4. Assam teas are often sold as Breakfast' teas. 

Which of the above statements is/are correct? 

  1. I only

  2. I, II, III and IV

  3. I and III only

  4. I and IV only

97. Match the following pairs: 

Name of Organization

Name of the Country





Boko haram




Pick the correct answer: 

  1. abcd


  1. abcd


  1. abcd


  1. abcd


98. Consider the following statements in relation to the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin (PMAY-G): 

Statement (i) : 

This is a flagship Central Government Scheme that aims to provide pucca houses to rural populations with basic amenities, without involving the State Governments. 

Statement (ii): 

PMAY-G is implemented by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Government of India. 

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

  1. Only Statement (i) 

  2. Only Statement (ii)

  3. Both Statement (i) and Statement (ii) 

  4. Neither Statement (i) nor Statement (ii)

99. Consider the following statements: 

  1. The Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0 was launched in 2021 by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. 

  2. The aim of the Swachh Bharat Mission 2-0 is to achieve zero open defecation in rural areas by 2025. 

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

  1. I only

  2. II only

  3. Both I and II

  4. Neither I nor II

100. Consider the following statements in relation to the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP): 

  1. The NCAP was launched in 2019 to cut the concentration of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) by 2024 only in non-attainment cities and million plus cities. 

  2. The objective of the NCAP was revised to include the highly polluted peri-urban areas and select villages. 

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

  1. I only

  2. II only

  3. Both I and II

  4. Neither I nor II
