“For the little boy, a lolly was tangible, whereas a promise was not.” The word tangible in this sentence means || ADRE 1.0 SLRC 2022 PAPER-III SOLVED QUESTIONS

“For the little boy, a lolly was tangible, whereas a promise was not.”

The word tangible in this sentence means

(A) Basic 

(B) Untouchable

(C) Actual 

(D) Edible

Answer: (C) Actual

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"Tangible" refers to something that can be touched or physically felt. In the context of the sentence, a lolly (a tangible item) is something the boy can physically experience, whereas a promise (an intangible concept) is not something he can touch or see.

Why this question is important?

  1. Vocabulary Skills: Understanding the meaning of words in context is crucial for language proficiency.
  2. Reading Comprehension: This type of question tests the ability to comprehend and interpret the meaning of sentences.
  3. Exam Preparation: Competitive exams often include vocabulary questions to assess the depth of a candidate's language skills.
  4. Everyday Usage: A strong vocabulary enhances both written and spoken communication, making it easier to express ideas clearly and effectively.
