Hiuen Tsang visited India during the reign of the King || ADRE 1.0 SLRC 2022 PAPER-III SOLVED QUESTIONS

Hiuen Tsang visited India during the reign of the King:

(A) Harshavardhana

(B) Ashoka

(C) Vishnugupta

(D) Samudragupta

Answer: A) Harshavardhana

Image Credit: Wikipedia


Hiuen Tsang, the famous Chinese Buddhist monk and traveler, visited India during the reign of King Harshavardhana. Harshavardhana ruled from 606 to 647 CE and was a patron of Buddhism. Hiuen Tsang documented his travels and observations in India, providing valuable historical records of the period.

This question tests knowledge of historical events and figures and was previously asked in ADRE's SLRC-2022 Paper-III, highlighting its relevance for candidates preparing for competitive exams.

Why this question is important

Understanding key historical figures and their timelines is crucial for competitive exams like ADRE, as it reflects awareness of significant periods in Indian history.
