Choose the correct pair of words which are SYNONYMS to each other || ADRE 1.0 SLRC 2022 PAPER-III SOLVED QUESTIONS

Choose the correct pair of words which are SYNONYMS to each other

(A) Citizen – Foreigner 

(B) Citizen – Emigrant 

(C) Citizen – Subject 

(D) Citizen – Immigrant

Answer: (C) Citizen – Subject

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Citizen: A legally recognized member of a country, typically entitled to rights and privileges.

Subject: A person who is under the authority or control of a ruler or government; a person who owes allegiance to a monarch or ruler.

Both citizen and subject refer to individuals who are legally recognized within a state or kingdom, although the specific legal and historical contexts may vary. Therefore, they can be considered synonyms in the context of governance and legal status.

Why this question is important?

Understanding synonyms and their contextual usage is important for competitive exams like ADRE, as it assesses language proficiency and vocabulary knowledge.
